Yasothon Home Hak

Friday, December 30, 2005

Paan in trouble

Do you remember Paan ? The new little girl living at the center ? Well, we just came back from the doctor's, and her CD4 level is at 1% of what it should be. This places her in a very critical condition, the least little virus or infection could sweep her away in just days.

But that is just the "good" news.

What makes me sit at a keyboard to share with you something really difficult is that we will not be able to care for her. Not that we cannot give her medecine - we have money enough for that at the moment. Not that we have insufficient hygiene standards, or even housing capacities for her. Not that we don't have enough love for her to be happy, no, nothing of the sort.

Her father, a drunkard of the class that drinks the integrality of his wages to the point of having his brothers and sisters pay his house rent, cannot accept the blow of being dishonored, as he would be if Paan were to live at Home Hak. Because Home Hak is partly associated with Aids. Because in a surge of self-pride, he cannot imagine that other people could care more for his daughter than himself - we had found her on the ground when the rest of the family ate at the table, we had found her undernourished, wearing hags, playing not far from the stacks of empty beer bottles that whittle away her father's reason. Because her father receives 1000 baht a month for the care of his child from the government since her mother died, and 1000 baht less is that much less to drink.

Pi Tiou and Jin, Peo, Dara, all think she will die within two weeks, given the lack of care she receives at her "home". And we can do nothing but wait and hope the family unites itself to care for the child, or bring her to us that we could give this little life a chance.

On your side, dear reader, I can only ask you for your prayers. Thanks.


  • Salut Gaspy,
    bon ben je suis une quiche en anglais mais ya plus de news sur le blog en anglais alors je me suis forcée à lire et à essayer de comprendre, j'étais très émue en lisant cette page, je voulais prendre des news de paan, comment elle va, je la connais pas mais j'ai tellement l'impression de voir une nen junior que voila....
    gros gros bisous à toute la maison du bonheure t de l'amour!!!
    pi mali

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at January 20, 2006 9:53 PM  

  • gaspard,
    nous nous unissons a toi pour affronter ce moment difficile.
    Puisse la famille de Paan realiser l´amour dont Paan a besoin et la laisser entre vos mains.
    Avec toute notre affection. Voici un poeme de J. Charpenteau pour elle...

    Il a mis le veston du père,
    Les chaussures de la maman
    Et le pantalon du grand frère
    Il nage dans ses vêtements.
    Il nage, il nage à perdre haleine. Il croise des poissons volants,
    Des thons, des dauphins, des baleines...
    Que de monde, dans l'océan!
    Écume blanche et coquillages,
    Il nage depuis si longtemps
    Qu'il aborde enfin au rivage
    Du pays des rêves d'enfants.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at January 27, 2006 11:40 AM  

  • Le message precedent est de nous, il est parti trop vite...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at January 27, 2006 11:42 AM  

  • Merci Thomas, Helene, Marie ... j'imprime votre poeme, on lui donnera a la prochaine visite, dans deux semaines on y retourne normalement on arrivera bien a lui traduire qu'il y a des gens qui pensent a elle !

    By Blogger Gaspard, at January 31, 2006 1:28 AM  

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