Talk about having lots to do !
Since about three weeks now three scouts from the south of France have come over, bringing us a little of the french sunshine in these monsoon-covered days. Together we've launched the construction of a magnificent "sala", a kind of patio where we'll be able to rest and play protected from the rain and sun here, which are kind of binary : steaming hot On//Off, pouring buckets On//Off . We were pretty ambitious in designing a six-sided project, but in two days we'll be finished and it's already looking great ! Now all I'll need to find are a few hammocks, to at least dream of being able to take some free time...
Two days ago we had an exceptionnally heavy day. The Japanese embassy in Thailand has offered us a six-wheel truck, transformed into a bus to drive the kids to and back from school. The Ambassador in person came over for the official ceremony, we had also done all our possible to reel in the chief of the Yasothon Province and the mayor, both of whom are still wary of Aids. But they did send their deputies, at least. We had organized many activities during the day, from Sauna and massage to cooking courses, including sushi (my contribution for this, I'm glad there were not many Japanese present...) And of course we had many dances, even we Farang danced too !
On Pi Tiou's request, I did full public relations with many of the VIPs who came, convincing them into believing that you don't get AIDS just by living with HIV+ kids and people. I can't yet say it worked, but I have good hope that we'll be able to present the subject soon in certain schools in front of classes, and so on. Sometimes people are just throwing everything related to AIDS in the same batch, labeled "discard and keep away", including the kids and people infected...
These are just a few of the things that happened in the last few days, I could go on for ages about the last little bruise of little Keo or the new treasure (today a plastic paper clip) that Ung Ang found and tried to eat (again), but even if this is the heart of what we live in our everyday lives, I can imagine it might get a bit boring... as all parents know, only your own kids are worth hearing about !
Yo Gaspy!!
This site is really cool! This really impresses us! (Mom, Dad and I (Joe))
Anonymous, at September 06, 2005 2:32 AM
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