Two weeks in Europe
My visa running out, and my plane ticket reaching its six-month limit, a return to France for a short while became necessary... and was also a great opportunity to share with as many persons as possible a few of the great discoveries I had made here in Yasothon !
Seeing my family again was a great moment, hugging my little sisters, laughing out loud with my Bro, and pleasant conversations with Mom and Dad really recharged my batteries for the year to come ! Yes, initially I was considering a 15 to 18 month mission. Now, I decided for 18 months, just under a year from now. This will enable me to take full advantage of my growing thai skills to learn and help ever more !
Meeting friends was also a very important point, because it's only through discussions with friends that I can really learn from my experience. If I don't have anyone to talk to that knows me for a time, then I can't understand sometimes why I feel frustrated or elated at times. And I even got to meet and talk all about Yaso with one of the scouts who had come two months ago ! Talk about long discussions to give an update of the situation there, it was cute and felt good to talk in Europe with someone who knew what I am living.
Finally, it wouldn't have been complete without meeting two journalists ! One wih whom we prepared a TV project – sadly, it won't run as they couldn't free the budget fast enough to be able to shoot scenes while I was still in Europe, so nothing will come out of that one. But a second journalist I met wrote an artical in La Vie, a catholic magazine, about Missionaries. Since one of the many aspects of my mission is based on living out my faith, I contributed also ! But contrary to the impression you will get by reading, I am NOT on my way to becoming a priest... this is just a little tweaking of words to better suit the aim of the article, courtesy of the journalist, it surprised even me ! You can download the pictures here (.zip file with scanned images in it).
See you soon, with more news from Yaso, finally after periods of thought and action, I'm back with energy for alot more !
Ooolé les news s'enchainent !! c'est génial ! on t'aime Gaspy !
Anonymous, at October 23, 2005 11:01 PM
happy to have seen you boy, we love you tenderly;i'll read your whole blog this week it is full of good news about everybody you live with, love Mom
Anonymous, at November 27, 2005 2:20 AM
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