Home Hak grows, Love Grows

Deng is 26 years old, like me. I'm older by about a month, I get to call him "Nong Deng", which makes us both laugh because the kids always look at us funny : for them, he has always been Pi Deng, "older brother".
Back 5 years ago, when the Foundation was more concentrating on saving drug-addicted youths - AIDS kids arriving slowly changed the scope over the years - Deng was one of those fighting to free himself from drugs. The Foundation methods were pretty harsh by our standards : full severage from drugs, and also any eventual addiction replacements like coffee, alcohol, smoking. This would never have succeeded without the fundamental specialty applied in the Foundation : relaxing the body through massage and herb sauna cycles, administered by two assigned "guardian angels" who themselves often had been saved by the Foundation.
Deng has been living since then at the Foundation, gradually finding balance in his life. According to Father Tenaud, his rather lazy character greatly improved, he just finished a degree in civil engineering. He now takes on projects and responsiblities that today almost make me doubt that he was once a "troublesome" kid... So when I talk about spending time building things at the Foundation, you can put a face on the one who actually does most of the work !

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