From Glaciers to Greatness !
Wow ! A couple weeks of trekking really do clear the mind ! Together with friends of many horizons, we hiked through the most incredible mountain range in the world : the Himalayas ! Rising every day to reach a pass at 5100m (19,000 feet), in a scenery of raw stone tortured by wind, ice and time, it was a great opportunity to realize how much the world as a whole is full of meaning. Always leading us to search for answers, each new discovery leads to a magnificent bouquet of new questions, the quest for understanding is never to stop !
But why should we understand ? Why should we feel compelled to find answers ? I’m going through pretty many shortcuts here in giving you my own answer: because each and every one of us, every one of you and I, have a place and a role to play on this Earth, in this universe, here and now. So looking at the world around us, and discussing about it with the people we meet, leads to understanding what we deeply want to do, demeaning the often easy wishes that pop up as initial answers to the question, “watcha wanna do ?”
But I’m straying a bit from the subject here – I better let a few pictures translate the grandeur that one can feel, climbing on the rooftops of the world…
[Cliff] [Summit] [Cold Waters] [Stupa]
[Me] [Mother_Child] [Prayer_Flags]
Oui c´est très vrai ce que tu écris... et ca fait aussi beaucoup de bien de pouvoir le lire ;-)
Bien à toi...
Cuidate mucho y que Dios te bendiga
Con el corazon,
Magalie & Santiago
Anonymous, at October 13, 2005 12:48 AM
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